Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Poverty, Money and Love!


At the beginning of this semester I could type 5 words per minute but now I'm typing 30 words per minute.

My favorite link

my favorite link is http://www.garysimon.net/logotutorial/

She Sells Duck

Mrs Ros Vong




Soccer player






Thursday, November 4, 2010


C = Contrast
The idea of the contrast is to make sure elements on a page are not similar to each other.

R = Repetition
The idea of the Repetition is to repeat visual elements of the design throughout the piece.

A = Alignment
The idea of the Alignment is that Nothing should be placed on the page arbitrarily. Every element should have some visual connection with another element on the page.

P = Proximity
The idea of the Proximity is that Items relating to each other should be grouped close together.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The idea was  to create a relationship between the picture and the word, i used the pen tool....

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Visit Kano, oldest city in West Africa, go to Lagos "most popular city in Nigeria.
Places to stay are Calabar, Lagos, Kano.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Amazing Brake Dancer DAMN!!

The is the coolest kid ever!! damn his breaking skills are awesome..
Site: www.youtube.com/watch?v=15tgepdGHms&feature=related

Chinese Guy Searches for a Girlfriend!

Peter Chao talks about wanting a girlfriend, Peter Chao goes on facebook to view pretty ladies, Peter Chao calls an organisation for blind dates.
Site: www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5b9gs5NKXA

Funny Video

Hilarious videos of people doing funny things and making silly mistakes. The beginning all the way to the end was hilarious.
Site: www.youtube.com/watch?v=aemXgP-2xyg

Peter Chao makes MUSIC VIDEO for Christian Bale Remix

Peter Chao, the Asian dude makes a controversial video a christian community. hilarious!
site: www.youtube.com/watch?v

Monday, September 27, 2010

Marcus PSP $9.99 Games

This white dude calls Marcus and tell him that he got a new game on his iPhone, Marcus tells him that an iPhone is not necessarily for playing games but for texting your gram ma. Then Marcus shows him this cool games you can play on the PSP for just $9.99 and calls him a sucker.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


What is a strange thing that is posted on craigslist? The discussion forums and Gigs are really strange...

What is there to do this weekend in San Francisco? There are new movies coming out tomorrow so watching a movie can be a "to do" list in San Francisco this weekend..

What is the best independent film playing?  Piranha is one of the best independent film playing so far


http//www.youtube.com : "FTH Cambodia Joyce Meyer Message." This message talks about the hope they have for cambodia, not giving-up on the people that live there,and trying their possible best help the people in need... Gods is great!!!


http//www.aimini.com : "Thngai bak rosiel by Preab Sovath" ,"Champa Battambang by Muk", "Sinn Sisamouth - Auh Haeuy Kdei Rompeung."


http//www.mtv.com : "Katy Perry-Teenage Dream, B.o.B-Airplanes, Eminem ft Rihanna-Love the way you lie."

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Location: Phnom Penh, Cambodia Repayment Term: 22 months
Activity: Farming Repayment Schedule: Monthly

Loan Use: To use for raising duck. Currency Exchange Loss: N/A

Default Protection: Not Covered

Mrs. Ros Vong is a widow with one son who has full-time employment. She lives in a small village about 15 kilometers from Phnom Penh City. Ros is a farmer who also raises ducks at home. She buys baby ducklings and raises them until they grow big enough to lay eggs. She sells the duck eggs in Phnom Penh City. Ros wants to expand her business, so she is asking for a loan of $1,000 to purchase additional ducks to raise.
A single mother who is trying to raise her business in the agriculture industry,  giving her the support that she needs might be the only thing she needs to survive, and she askes for is a donation from each and every one of you, as little as $10 is enough to change the situation of this womans life, remember "give and it will come back to you."

Location: Kean Svay District, Cambodia Repayment Term: 14 months

Activity: Motorcycle Transport Repayment Schedule: Monthly

Loan Use: To purchase a motorcycle for commuting. Currency Exchange Loss: N/A

Default Protection: Not Covered

Mrs. Ny Khen and her husband, Mr. Sophal Un, live along national road number one about eighteen kilometers from Phnom Penh. They were married in 1994 and have two daughters who are in school. In the past, Ny stayed at home but she is now a garment factory worker. Her husband has been a mason since 1995 who works in the village and a near-by province. She does not have transportation for commuting to work, so she is requesting a loan of $1,000 to purchase a motorbike

How To Get Involved:
Mr and Mrs Khen are really devoted to each other and are struggling to make a living, Mr khen wants to purchase a motorcycle and use it as a means of public transportation to make a living for his family. I want to do my  possible best o assist them in any way possible because although they are not financially stable, they haven't given-up on life and are willing to struggle to take care of their children. Donating as little as you can to this family will mean a great thing to them and they will really appreciate it, so please do the best you can to help this family.